Contribute to the places, spaces and projects our neighbors value most.
South Burlingame Park Rehabilitation – City of Portland Parks Bureau have shared there will be no immediate, short or long-term investment in South Burlingame Park though the Tennis Courts have been determined to be removed at some point. Neighbors would like to see investment in a dog park, Bocce Ball court, lighting or other use. Portland Parks has stated if the neighbors show interest, investment and organized effort – there may be an opportunity for support. If you are interested, reach out to learn more and consider making a donation.
The intersection of Taylors Ferry and Terwilliger has been determined by PBOT to be a “Failed Intersection” and have committed to short term investment to safeguard the neighborhood with measures to cut down on cut through traffic. We are also advocating for long-term investment in smart technology for the traffic lights that can adjust in real-time to traffic congestion. It has been stated to do so would cost 10’s of 1000’s of dollars that this intersection is not currently slated to have investment. It has been stated by PBOT that if the neighborhood shows interest and investment that there may be an opportunity for PBOT to share in support. Consider a donation to this cause.
Make a donation.
Send your donation to South Burlingame Neighborhood PO Box 19543 Portland, OR 97280.
South Burlingame wants to invest in the projects neighbors are interested in for the benefit of our community.
What people are saying
“South Burlingame Neighborhood has always been active in supporting our community and bringing important issues that matter to me to the City of Portland.”
— Neighbor