
We may be small but we are mighty!

South Burlingame Neighborhood

Welcome! South Burlingame is a small but mighty neighborhood, one of the smallest neighborhoods of the 95 neighborhoods within Portland having only 729 households. Our neighborhood association is always seeking to have more of our community involved in making it livable, welcoming and vibrant!

We also have an amazing NET team advocating and supporting preparation and safety skills. South Burlingame Neighborhood is home to Burlingame Park, which is almost 5 acres and has a playground and picnic area. Fulton Park is nearby with steps and trails that lead down to Willamette Park with a path along the river into the city center.

Our community is pretty close knit and many have been a part of the fabric for decades informing its preservation of green space, natural areas and livability. We have many neighborhood businesses including Chez Jose, Moonlight Grill, Tryon Creek Sports Bar and more. We also have a Fred Meyer, Zupan’s, Basics Market, Hillsdale Farmers Market and Safeway nearby for groceries.

South Burlingame Neighborhood is almost in downtown Portland at its most eastern point. It follows I-5 down from about 12th all the way down to where I-5 makes a sharp curve to the left, right above John’s Landing, then the border goes over to Taylors Ferry and follows that back up. It is bordered by the Hillsdale, Corbett-Terwilliger, Collins View, Marshall Park, Markham, and Multnomah Neighborhoods. Generally, it’s between the Riverview Cemetery and I-5.

The neighborhood features many older homes from the early 20s and 30s up through the 60s. South Burlingame Neighborhood was formed on June 7, 1910 when B.M. Lombard, in partnership with Fulton Park Land Company, laid out a plan for section of land that was part of the Fulton Park District. The original Fulton Park area was 411 acres and was formed in 1888 when Marquam sold his land to the South West Portland Company for $150,000. South Burlingame was formed in 1910 when the Fulton Park Land Vista Bridge Company laid out a plan for section of land that was part of the Fulton Park District, to become residential lots. It used to be called Carson Heights, and is still known by that name by many long-time neighbors, but is now referred to as South Burlingame. It’s nickname was Hummingbird Hill back then because there were so many hummingbirds!

South Burlingame Neighborhood was connected to Barbur Blvd by an old wooden bridge that was part of the old Vista Bridge from Vista Ave. It was finally replaced with the present bridge in 1991. The original Terwilliger Bridge was the only wood-frame bridge across Interstate 5 in the whole state.