Get Started

Want to be a NET? How to Get Started.

NET is a trained, volunteer group of neighbors that help prepare the community for disasters and assist the local fire and rescue department with disaster community relief. The City of Portland’s Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) coordinates the NET program. NET also known as CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) is funded by FEMA. FEMA supports “actions taken to plan, equip, train, and exercise to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that pose the greatest risk” within the community.

How to Start

Sign up for the NET Training program and learn about training expectations.

Steps you can take prior to the NET Training.

Complete the Online Basic Preparedness training for an introductory course on the principles of emergency preparedness and the disaster risks we face in the Pacific Northwest. The course consists of 17 online videos totaling two hours.

The Basic NET class conforms to the fundamental CERT curriculum manual, and an electronic version of the CERT curriculum.

Preparedness Documentation & Preparedness Presentation.

Complete IS-100 Training; a three hour online course covering Incident Command System (ICS) an operations framework used by all emergency response organizations, including Portland NET.

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