

Be a Part of Shaping the South Burlingame Neighborhood

South Burlingame is a small neighborhood but we are mighty.

We have dynamic, interested and selfless neighbors who are passionate, engaged, community-driven and show up when called upon to do so. We believe in good and bad times, we can depend on one another; now more than ever.

We are hoping that you feel the same and will consider joining our meetings and the South Burlingame Neighborhood Association Board for an equitable and resilient community.

For those interested in learning more about the City of Portland’s Civic Life plan to support SW Neighborhoods, feel free to learn more here.


All are welcome!




SBNA Board Meeting

Thurs, Feb 20, 2025 at 6:30 PM

Link to join Zoom Meeting: TBD

Meeting ID:


Link to Agenda

Meetings typically held on the 3rd Thursday of May, August, November, February

All meetings are open to the public. All are welcome!

We look forward to seeing you!

Meeting materials: Google Drive

A summary of the history of development plans that have not been approved can be found here. On one of the sites for sale there is a current 21 Unit Development Plan that accompanies one of the 2 sites for sale is a more modest development plan than previous plans from the previous “Macadam Ridge” proposed development from Riverview Abbey in the past, there is a lot of coverage on the Macadam Ridge plans if you search “Macadam Ridge” in google. The 2nd site proposes 16 Unit Development Plan. Here are both the listings on Redfin – 1st site and 2nd site


Fred Meyer Rewards Program Gives Back to Your Neighborhood - Sign Up to Have Your Purchases Benefit Our Neighborhood, South Burlingame Neighborhood Association Account Number BN818Fred Meyer Rewards Program – Sign Up to Have Your Purchases Benefit Our Neighborhood, South Burlingame Neighborhood Association Organization Number BN818

Fred Meyer Rewards Benefitting South Burlingame Neighborhood Association

Fred Meyer has a rewards matching program that provides you rewards AND benefits qualified non-profits like the South Burlingame Neighborhood Association! These funds have helped pay for sign-caps with the hummingbird, the marker stone for our neighborhood on Terwilliger, and more! If you’d like your purchases to benefit our neighborhood, please login to www.fredmeyer.com, go to Rewards, search for South Burlingame Neighborhood Association (or the organization number BN818) and Enroll. Thank you for supporting our neighborhood!


South Burlingame Neighborhood Association May 2021 Newsletter page 2